LATEST NEWS: Registrations are closed


Please note that most of these events have closing dates at least 2-3 weeks before they are held. Check the noticeboard near the club canteen for flyers.

Please see the Interclub Officer, Tracey Milakovic, if you need any further information or want to register for these events.


March 2024:

2nd & 3rd March   State Combined Championship  @ Hunter Sports Centre Glendale

15th March last night of Athletics of the season @ Smithfield

22nd, 23rd, 24th State Championships   @ SOPAC

April 2024:


May 2024:

Presentation Night Friday 17th May @ Smithfield RSL

AGM Wednesday22nd May @ Smithfield RSL

August 2024:

Online Registrations for season 24/25 OPEN

September 2024:

Friday 6th September the 24/25 season commences

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